Journalist and historian Eoin Higgins, author of the new book, Owned: How Tech Billionaires on the Right Bought the Loudest Voices on the Left. "The Moment of Truth" with Jeff Dorchen follows the interview.
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Wendell and Nick are authors of the new book Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It from Bloomsbury.
Erica wrote the In These Times article We’re Rethinking Prisons. Is It Time to Rethink Sex Offender Registries?
Jenna's most recent story on the Apple / FBI legal battle is FBI Director Admits Apple Case Could Be a Game Changer at The Intercept.
Sarah and Bhaskar both edited and contributed to the Metropolitan books essay collection The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century.
Dierdra is author of the book Coming to Our Senses: Affect and an Order of Things for Global Culture from Columbia University Press.
Here is what Chuck is reading to prepare for Saturday's show:
Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It - Wendell Potter and Nick Penniman [Bloomsbury]
We’re Rethinking Prisons. Is It Time to Rethink Sex Offender Registries? - Erica Meiners [In These Times]
FBI Director Admits Apple Case Could Be a Game Changer - Jenna McLaughlin [The Intercept]
The Future We Want: Radical Ideas for the New Century - Edited by Sarah Leonard and Bhaskar Sunkara [Metropolitan Books]
Coming to Our Senses: Affect and an Order of Things for Global Culture - Dierdra Reber [Columbia University Press]
On this day in 1810 -- (206 years ago) – Andreas Hofer, an Austrian innkeeper and leader of a rebellion against French and Bavarian armies loyal to Napoleon, was executed by firing squad. For more than a year, Hofer had traveled through mountain villages in the Austrian and Italian Tyrol, urging insurrection and organizing armed resistance. After several months of fighting, he and his troops had briefly taken the Tyrolean capital of Innsbruck, only to be routed by French and Bavarian forces after the Austrian emperor backed off his promise of protection. Abandoned by his men, Hofer went into hiding, but a neighbor revealed his location to Napoleon’s troops in order to collect a cash reward. Facing the firing squad, Hofer refused to kneel or wear a blindfold, and insisted on giving the order to fire himself.
On this day in 1933 – (83 years ago) – three weeks after taking office as the new German chancellor, Adolf Hitler convened a secret meeting with about two dozen of Germany’s top business leaders to seek funding for the Nazi Party’s political campaign in the upcoming national elections. Hitler’s guests included xecutives and board members from Siemens, Allianz, Opel, and other important companies. In an atmosphere of national political turmoil, some of these industrialists had already helped persuade Germany’s president, Paul von Hindenburg, to make Hitler the head of a fragile coalition government. Upon taking office, Hitler had immediately pushed for elections, and now he was anxious for his Nazi Party to win enough parliamentary seats to pass the Enabling Act and make him Germany’s de facto dictator. At this meeting he told his guests that to silence democracy and crush communism, his party would need a total of three million German marks. Before leaving, the businessmen signed commitments to provide him with more than two million.
On this day in 2003 -- (13 years ago) -- the rock band Great White was in the middle of their set at the Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, when a pyrotechnic display onstage behind the band caused flammable foam insulation on the ceiling and walls to catch on fire. Within minutes, the entire nightclub was engulfed in flames. One hundred people died and another 230 were injured.
Rotten History is written by Renaldo Migaldi
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Janet was part of a delegation to Turkey attempting to speak with Öcalan. She also spoke with ROAR Magazine for the piece Thoughts on Rojava: an interview with Janet Biehl.
Saqib studied the state's interest rate swap disaster in the ReFund America report Turned Around.
Thankfully This is Hell! correspondents are immune for whatever causes establishment media types to forgive evil once a person has died.
Joseph is author of the new book The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America's Soldiers from Skyhorse Publishing.
Chuck wrote the Cairo Review of Global Affairs commentary The Buying of the President.
Jeff tried to act like this isn't going to be about Scalia, like he has material about Wiley Blount Rutledge just ready to go.
Here is what Chuck is reading to prepare for Saturday's show:
Thoughts on Rojava: an interview with Janet Biehl - Zanyar Omrani [ROAR Magazine]
Turned Around: How the Swaps that Were Supposed to Save Illinois Millions Became Toxic - Saqib Bhatti + Carrie Sloan [ReFund America]
The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America's Soldiers - Joseph Hickman [Skyhorse Publishing]
Commentary: What it takes to buy the president - Chuck Lewis [Center for Pubic Integrity]
Listen live from 9AM - 1PM Central on WNUR 89.3FM or stream at
Nancy is author of Social Security Works! Why Social Security Isn’t Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All from the New Press.
David counts the focus on inequality as a victory for the left "though it remains to be seen how far that victory will take us..."
Brian just returned from Recife where he covered the story with a major European TV network we can't name yet. NDA!
Tom wrote the book What's Mine is Yours: Against the Sharing Economy from OR Books.
Lily is author of the article Atari Democrats in the newest Jacobin.
One week after sort of endorsing Bernie Sanders too!
Here is what Chuck is reading to prepare for Saturday's show:
Social Security Works! Why Social Security Isn’t Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All - Nancy Altman [New Press]
What's Mine is Yours: Against the Sharing Economy - Tom Slee [OR Books]
Atari Democrats - Lily Geismer [Jacobin]