Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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Towards a transit in common.


It seems counter-productive to criticize public transpiration today as one of our last vestiges of a functioning welfare state, but if you look at the history of what we call public transpiration, it was pursued to enable capitalist accumulation. It was pursued to get labor to places of work, and increasingly today, it's a means to anchor global flows of capital, to provide a map for sprawling hubs of 'smart cities' and new industries... to benefit private developers and channel public funds into the hands of developers and real estate.

Urban politics scholar Theresa Enright explores transit systems as sites of class struggle against the enforced inequalities of even public services under capitalism, and look toward a mobility commons that centers solidarity, inclusion and access for all members of society, wherever they need to go.

Theresa wrote the essay Commotion for Society & Space.

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Theresa Enright

Theresa Enright is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto.


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