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Why Whole Foods-style conscious capitalism is unsustainable.


A lot of people who are ecologically-minded and care about the environment are searching for solutions, and a lot of the solutions out there now are based on this idea that if companies just do a better job, if they just make better choices, we can solve our environmental problems. And that's the real kicker, because it doesn't work.

Writer Nicole Aschoff charts the downward prospects of Whole Foods-style conscious capitalism - as a flawed model for capitalists and consumers alike, unable to sustain growth and meet the demands of finance, and incapable of delivering the longterm social and environmental change the company sells to its customers.

Nicole wrote the Guardian op-ed Whole Foods represents the failures of 'conscious capitalism.'

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Nicole Aschoff

Nicole Aschoff is the author of The New Prophets of Capital and an editor at Jacobin magazine.


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