Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
New interviews throughout the week
Episode 857


Jul 11 2015

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Gareth Porter

A realist's guide to understanding the Iran nuclear talks.

Journalist Gareth Porter gives context and analysis to the Iran nuclear negotiations, from the non-state of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, to the roles of Israel, Saudi Arabia and American military interests, and explains why American media and politicians are so consistently, publicly wrong about Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

Gareth’s latest writing is the Middle East Eye article Iranian nuclear deal edges closer as main obstacles overcome: Sources.



Andrew Highsmith

How GM and Flint's leaders tore down an American city, from the inside.

Historian Andrew Highsmith surveys 70 years of Flint’s history to explain how urban renewal efforts and corporate influence of municipal policies gutted a thriving city and strengthened structural inequality.

Andrew is author of the new book Demolition Means Progress from University of Chicago Press.



Ed Sutton

The forever strike: Quitting this world and working on the next one.

Live from Switzerland, Ed Sutton examines life during worktime, takes a break from leftist daydreams of economic/environmental doomsday scenarios and suggests a more productive and radical thought experiment: Everybody Quits Day.
