Manufacturing Dissent Since 1996
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Episode 1007

Rising Signs

Jun 9 2018

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Henry Giroux

New language, new strategy, new politics: Towards radical resistance.

Cultural critic Henry Giroux explores the rise of neoliberal fascism and the construction of political dystopia in America, and calls for today's social and worker-led movements to resist the dead end reformism of the Democratic party, and build an inclusive, communal vision of a world to fight for - and to win.

Henry is author of American Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism from City Lights.



Dave Buchen

Hurricanes, juntas and other seasonal anxieties in Puerto Rico.

Our Man in San Juan, Dave Buchen reports on the invisible anxieties of life right now in Puerto Rico - under the threat of school closures, colonial daddy issues, the impositions of a fiscal junta, power outages, water shortages, damage from last year's storms and damage from this year's storms - but at least the left is its usual, splintered ineffective self.



David Broder

The hard right, the neoliberal center and the hole in Italian politics.

Historian David Broder examines the two dynamic forces occupying power in Italy's new government - the contrarian, technocratic Five Star Movement and the hard-right, anti-immigrant Lega Nord - and explains how both parties capitalize on economic malaise, corruption and the absence of a class-based politics after the collapse of the Italian left.

David wrote the articles Salvini’s Triumph and Notes on Italy's Election for Jacobin.



Elizabeth Rush

Rise and retreat: Climate change washes across the new shoreline.

Writer Elizabeth Rush watches the sea roll across America's new shoreline - as the most visible reminder of climate change's threat to life and land, and as a signal to retreat from the inevitable, irreversible rise of the oceans and the way of life that brought us to this point.

Elizabeth is the author of Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore from Milkweed Editions.



Nicholas Davis, Steven V. Miller

The White authoritarians: On the link between social intolerance and anti-democratic values.

Political scientists Steven Miller and Nicholas Davis examine the link between White intolerance and anti-democratic values - as White citizens displaying intolerance to racial, ethnic and cultural 'others' perceive the benefits of democracy extending beyond their own group, they become more likely to withdraw support for democracy and embrace authoritarian ideology.

Steven and Nicholas are authors of the paper White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy.

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Jeff Dorchen

This is not a comparison between the Holocaust and Slavery: Part One.

In a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorchen departs the shakey ground of a friend's Facebook post about hypothetical media coverage of a hypothetical Kanye West opinion, to explore the dark legacies of the Holocaust and American slavery - sometimes hidden, sometimes destroyed, but mostly very out in the open in very different ways.

Read the transcript here
